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Snowdrops in February in Fineshade Woods

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It's February, so why not....?

... get out and about in Rockingham Forest this month. There are longer days and  signs of spring to be enjoyed - here's some suggestions

1:  Enjoy the new life emerging

There are Winter Aconites, Snowdrops, Pussy Willow, and Stinking Hellibore to be found. With other flowers emerging throughout the month, perhaps you could share your best signs-of-spring pictures via our social media sites?

Winter Aconites

2: Burn some energy

There are work parties all over the forest: 

  • Coppicing in Easton Hornstocks

  • Scrub bashing with Butterfly Conservation

  • Friends groups in Corby Woodlands

  • Practical tasks in King's Cliffe

  • Woodland tasks in Fineshade

  • Friday volunteer group in Old Sulehay

Details on the volunteering and events pages​

3: Find some fungi

Have you ever heard of, or even seen the Tripe Fungus? It's a bracket fungus growing on dead trees  and can be seen in February.

Check out our fungus pages to learn more

Tripe Fungus - Auricularia mesenterica 5.jpg

4: Keep an eye on flooded rivers

Very high rainfall this winter has meant that the water meadows in the Welland and Nene Valleys have been really doing their job.  With the ground fully saturated, the river levels will quickly rise again if we get more rain storms

A good place to marvel at this is Turtle Bridge - one of the highly recommended places to visit

5: Follow the flocks of birds

Hordes of winter migrant birds are

still here and Fieldfares with their "chacking" calls are perhaps the most obvious. There are Redwing flocks too and it's well worth looking  where farmers have sown winter bird seed for flocks of finches and buntings.

165 birds.jpg

6: Sign up for emails

Please join the mailing list to receive news and alerts from Rockingham Forest Vision. We will never share your email address and you may unsubscribe from the list at any time

7: Plan a community orchard

NNC council has a new project to create and support up to 30 orchards with community groups and schools.  There's full funding, traiing and lots of on-going support.

More details here 

8: Test out a circular route

All is not well on the walking route that links King's Cliffe, Blatherwycke and Wakerley.  Have a look at the map and see whether you agree about the need for kissing gates to replace some of the stiles.

Lots more here

Stile 6a.jpg

9: Look for Adders

What! In February? Yes indeed, if the weather is mild it is very possible that male Adders will come out of hibernation to take advantage of a warm sunny afternoon. Have a look at Kev Clarke's article describing the ones he saw in February last year.

Male Adder

10: Listen for bird song

Robins have been singing all winter and in February Great Tits and Song and Mistle Thrushes can often be heard singing away on calm sunny days and announcing the coming of spring.  There's a beginner's guide to bird song here.

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