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Suveying wildlife in Fineshade Wood


Surveying wildlife in Fineshade Wood

People, parishes, projects and partners

One of the key aims of Rockingham Forest Vision is to raise the local and national profile of Rockingham Forest, connecting local communities to its natural and cultural heritage. This was the particular focus of  our recent project: Building the Links for Rockingham Forest, funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.


This section of the website also features some of the groups and organisations working in Rockingham Forest together with some of tthe work of the communities who live here. In particular you will find details of "Parish Nature Recovery Plans" - communities working to boost nature in their own area.  Also you can read about the funded training for teaching assistants  to become Leaders of Forest School.

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About Rockingham Forest Vision

Here you will find the aims of Rockingham Forest Vision, who we are, how it all came about and what we have achieved so far.

You may also find that there may be a role for you as we move the vision forward.


The "Building the Links" project

A lottery-funded project bringing together a group of ten partners for a period of two years.  The aim was to reconnect people and communities to the forest as well as to encourage ways in which the forest itself could become more of a coherent entity.

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Local Nature Recovery Plans

Parishes and communities working together to promote nature recovery for the benefit of people and wildlife.


A supported scheme operating across the Rockingham Forest area.


Parishes and towns

There are 33 parishes or towns in the Rockingham Forest area. Here you can find a map of the parishes and you can read about how some of these are beginning to develop Nature Recovery Plans  to promote nature recovery  and climate resilience.

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Community groups in the forest

Throughout the forest there are groups, clubs and organisations working to improve and enjoy their surroundings. Many welcome volunteers. Here you will find a list and learn about what they do. Do get in touch if you would like us to add your group to the list.


Associated projects and organisations

A directory of local and national organisations and projects whose work relates or is similar to that of Rockingham Forest Vision. We have learned from these organisations as we have been developing the vision.

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